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Beginning Yoga at Home: Printable Yoga Exercises

Saturday, August 21, 2010

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:DYXLhBFjX_-JnM:http://healthplux.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/yoga.jpgYoga has changed people’s outlook towards both physical and mental health. Yoga exercises are known all over the world for the multiple health benefits provided by them. Yoga strongly supports the fact that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. All the yoga poses are so designed that they focus on and treat particular body parts and, at the same time, relax the body and bring mental tranquility. In other words, yoga exercises not only keep the body fit, but also provide calmness and freshness to the mind. No wonder people’s interest in yoga is on rise. The enrollment of individuals in yoga classes is increasing day by day.
Things to Know Before Beginning Yoga at Home: Since you will be beginning yoga at home without the supervision of a teacher, it is important to be aware of the following facts in order to perform the yoga exercises in a correct manner and derive positive results from them.
  1. The aim of yoga is to achieve inner peace, tranquility, and a state of harmony and purification. To reach this stage of mental, physical and nervous relaxation, you need to completely ease your body. Relieve the body from all materialistic tensions. Think positive; it is vital to have a positive attitude while practicing yoga as it always pays off with positive results.
  2. Breathing correctly while performing the yoga exercise is of prime importance. The purpose is to increase energy levels. Breathing is considered to be correct when it is rhythmic, deep, and completely involves the lungs. This increases the quantity of oxygen intake.
  3. An asana is accomplished in three stages. The first stage is to get into the yoga pose. The second stage is to hold the pose, and the third and the last stage is to come out of the pose. Each asana stage is accompanied by either inhalation or exhalation. The breathing technique is peculiar to every yoga pose. You must learn about them well before practicing.
Each pose acts on, repairs, or enhances the functioning of particular body parts. Some poses last for 30 sec while there are some that last for 3 minutes. Start performing a pose for only 30-35 seconds, gradually reaching the recommended time. You can always come out of a pose if you feel discomfort or pain while performing it.
You would get a large number of printable yoga exercises from the above-mentioned sources. You can choose a few asanas depending upon your need, comfort, and suitability. Learning and practicing yoga is refreshing, soothing, energizing, and not tough at all. Do try by beginning yoga at home and feel the difference.


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