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Sexy Bodystockings

Friday, August 20, 2010

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:5Ve9xU1zNGwgjM:http://www.da-kolkoz.com/photos/697f2754fa3e39be978f9a8fcabc70c14af3d571/keeley-hazell-sexy-en-lingerie-1231751083387.jpgI am a very big fan of bodystockings. So much so, I’m always amazed when I meet a woman who’s never owned one. These babies can look good on almost any body type, and every female should have one in her lingerie collection. That said, not all bodystockings are created equal – some of them are just plain hideous. Seriously, I’ve seen some that couldn’t possibly redeem themselves, even on a Bardot-like body.
Therefore, I’m going to give you a basic guide for sorting through the uglies. If you’re a man, it may be in your best interest to keep reading – bodystockings are very inexpensive gifts and are, essentially, one size fits all. Which means, if you get a classic style, she will probbaly love it. Unfortunately, most of the pictoral examples I’d like to share with you aren’t really suitable for all viewers, so I’ll leave you to google “bodystockings” if you’d like to see the really hot stuff.
Certainly, some of you could pull off most of the styles and colors available. This article isn’t for you. This article is for the average Jane who wants a classic look that will look good on her no matter what, enduring slight weight fluctuations and water retention that us non-supermodels have to put up with every month.


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